The Fête Votive 2003 page1/2

page 2

Restless Crowd

Man pointing


Girls at the Barrier

oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

50 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

60 x 70 cm

oil on canvas

100 x 100 cm

Bull in the Shadows

At the Corner

Red Ribbon

Out of the Shadows

oil on canvas

60 x 70 cm

oil on canvas

30 x 30 cm

oil on canvas

30 x 30 cm

oil on canvas

30 x 30 cm

Small Bull




oil on canvas

30 x 30 cm

oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

20 x 20 cm

Every year in August Uzès erects the barricades so that the teams, 'manades' can herd young bulls round the boulevard. Local youths try to distract the bulls and get them away from their minders. Something like this happens in many towns and villages in the Languedoc-Roussillon. (We are less than three hours from the Spanish border.) For me the spectators are as remarkable as the event itself and in some of the diptychs I have opposed the energetic movement of bulls and horses with the static spectators. As always the light and shade steal the show.
