Paris horizons 2008

page 2

Le gros Big building

Arch panorama 1


Distant buildings

oil on canvas

60 x 70 cm

oil on canvas

50 x 100 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

70 x 70 cm

Arch panorama III

Arch panorama II

Skyscapers II

Distant buildings II

oil on canvas

40 x 120 cm

oil on canvas

50 x 100 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

50 x 100 cm

One autumn day navigatiig instinctively in Paris I missed my direction, found myself at the Arc de Triomphe and decided to climb to the top. The day was predominantly gloomy but here and there patches of sunlight lit up distant buildings. I couldn't see this very well because I have a damaged optic nerve, but my digital camera came to the rescue and I was able to view it retrospectively. These unexpected visions of a great city dissolving into the mist appealed to me. Working with pale colours and close tones I was reminded of those still lifes by Morandi. From a few bottles, a box and a jug he was able to evoke a kind of mysterious architecture.


huile sur toile

70 x 70 cm
